NT$ 2,500.00

藝術家劉建廣,同時經營品牌Normal Object Factory,手工製作出獨一無二的玻璃高腳酒杯。
由土星工作室主辦,並與台南先緩Slow down,合作開發出創作調酒【BÄR】,瑞典與台南在這夏季被串聯起來。



In Swedish summer, the days are long, the nights are bright, the sun doesn’t even set, and the forests are filled with berries. In this magical moment of summer, our inspiration floats among forests, oceans and islands.

Bär means berries in Swedish and is a clear stemmed glass inspired by berries from the Nordic forest. The Mouth-blown and handcrafted in the Stockholm archipelago, Sweden.

The glass can hold everything from a can of soda to a handcrafted drink. It's the perfect balance between playful, yet elegant.

Approximately height: 187 mm, wide: 75 mm, and volume: 380 ml Can be washed in a dishwasher.


Bär 在瑞典語中是莓果的意思,是一款透明的高腳玻璃杯,靈感源自北歐森林的莓果。在瑞典斯德哥爾摩群島人工吹製和手工製作。


尺寸約 高 187 mm|寬 75 mm|380 ml,可在洗碗機中清洗。

酒/✦ 先緩現場限定,未滿十八歲禁止飲酒 ✦

風味|覆盆莓口味可爾必思感,夾帶白花荔枝香氣。改編經典調酒Ramos Gin Fizz,綿密泡沫與氣泡水混合讓整體清爽感上升。


Design and crafts duo run by the ceramicist Alexandra Nilasdotter (b. 1991, SWE) and the glass artist Chien-Kuang Liu (b. 1988, TW) Both with a bachelor's degree in Ceramics and Glass from The Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Denmark, and Chien-Kuang with a Master's degree from CRAFT, Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts, and Design in Sweden. They are working in their studio in the old porcelain factory in Gustavsberg, outside Stockholm, Sweden.

With inspiration from Swedish and Taiwanese design history, traditional craftsmanship, and the meeting between these two cultures, NOF focused on finding a balance between crafting and industrializing. Normal Object Factory works with different materials, such as glass, ceramics, and wood.

NOF makes their small-scale production, where everything is made by hand in the studio and hot shop in Gustavsberg, Stockholm. Their products are sold around the world and they work with exhibitions, galleries, and in various projects with other creators

由陶藝家 Alexandra Nilasdotter(出生於 1991 年,瑞典)和玻璃藝術家 Chien-Kuang Liu(出生於 1988 年,台灣)經營的設計和工藝品二人組,兩人均擁有丹麥皇家美術學院陶瓷和玻璃學士學位和 Chien-Kuang 擁有瑞典Konstfack 大學藝術、工藝和設計學院CRAFT 碩士學位。他們在瑞典斯德哥 爾摩郊外Gustavsberg的舊瓷器工廠的工作室工作。

從瑞典和台灣的設計歷史、傳統工藝以及兩種文化的交匯中汲取靈感,NOF 致力於尋找手工製作和工業化之間的平衡。 Normal Object Factory 使用不同的材料,例如玻璃、陶瓷和木材。

NOF 進行小規模生產,所有產品均在斯德哥爾摩Gustavsberg的工作室中手工製作。他們的產品銷往世界各地,並與展覽、畫廊合作,並與其他創作者一起參與各種創作。