Awakening in Motion-Huang Hsiao-Ju Solo Exhibition
▎公休:每週三四 (Closed on Wed & Thu)
▎藝術家:黃曉茹 Huang Hsiao-Ju
〈在移動中甦醒-Awakening in Motion〉
這次展出的作品是在2023-2024之間完成,每一個階段嘗試不同的可能,以數個小方形單元件 組合成正方形或長方形作為載體。
我的雙手介入執行製作,促使材料在原先製陶過程中增加更多變因,整個製作過程我與土總是相互影響,使我不斷地看到新的可能性,在出窯之前總是無法確定它會是什麼狀態,充滿驚喜也 可能是驚嚇,當我反覆在陶的製作過程中來回碰撞,堆疊累積著不同的質感,每一個環節在刻 意製作與偶然產生的各種質感,最後都將交匯在作品之中。
我使用紙漿混入土中,從材料開始調配,進行乾燥切割再排列重組黏合上釉,進入窯內高溫燒製,屬於我對土的詮釋,而作品承接並成形,回到手工的方式,以自身的身體和時間作為交換 ,回應這個媒材在時代快速演進下所擁有的其中一部分。
Awakening in Motion
The works exhibited here were completed between 2023 and 2024, with each phase exploring different possibilities. Small square components are combined to form squares or rectangles, which serve as the base structure for the pieces.
Curious about the space that clay can extend into, I allowed it to guide me through the process of material transformation. From wet to dry, from soft to hard, I observed the rich changes in texture over time. Does this process conceal unknown states of matter? My hands were involved in the making, introducing additional variables into the traditional ceramic process. Throughout the entire making process, my interaction with the clay was one of mutual influence, constantly revealing new possibilities. I could never be sure of the final outcome before the pieces were fired—there were always moments of surprise, sometimes even shock. As I repeatedly collided with and stacked different textures during the creation of the ceramics, each step—both intentional and accidental—intersected to shape the final work.
I mixed pulp with clay, starting from the material preparation, then drying, cutting, arranging, reassembling, and applying glaze, before firing at high temperatures in the kiln. This is my interpretation of clay, with the final pieces taking shape through handcraft, using my body and time as exchanges. The works respond to the material’s part in an era of rapid evolution.
黃曉茹 Huang Hsiao-Ju (IG:hsiao_ju_ceramics)
2019大葉大學造形藝術學系 陶瓷組 2023國立台南藝術大學 應用藝術研究所 陶瓷組
2023法藍瓷光點獎_入選 2018苗栗陶台灣柴燒藝術節_優選
2023《築流》- 黃曉茹個展,國立台南藝術大學 - 藝象空間,台南
2023 壞坏 vol.3,台北國際藝術村,台北
2022 南藝應用藝術研究所邀請展,Z 書房,台中
2021《存在感》聯展,濕地 VENUE,台北
2019 國立台南藝術大學應用藝術研究所陶瓷組物件展_大崎陸陸,青青土氣,台南
2018《藝外》大葉大學造形藝術學系 工房聯展,葫蘆墩文化中心,台中
文| 應力空間 彭奕軒
The Dynamics and Balance Beyond Imagination in the Kiln
Text by: Soil Space, Peng Yi-Hsuan
In 2025, Soil Space is honored to invite Taiwanese artist Huang Hsiao-Ju to present her latest solo exhibition "Awakening in Motion". This marks the artist's first solo exhibition. The most fascinating aspect of ceramics has always been the fact that we can never truly grasp the final form that will emerge. The artist uses deformation techniques caused by high temperature to entrust the final clay sculpture to the assistance of gravity and heat, leading to a process of molding or what could be described as a certain collapse. Through an assemblage structure, Huang constructs a rectangular form and, under a well-ordered shape, lets the high temperature reveal its final appearance.
▎A New Measurement Method - Dynamics
The artist utilizes the real collapse due to heat to adjust and reassemble structures repeatedly. The spacing between small ceramic pieces and adjustments in material composition, as well as the continuous firing experience, create a slow and gentle drooping. This process seems like a test of uncontrollable variables. Through this, the artist has discovered a possible method or language to express and explore the wonder and loss of each firing. The scenes inside the kiln, which are usually unseen, can be glimpsed through the artist’s method of measurement, allowing us to perceive the possibilities and imaginings within.
▎Deformation and Shaping After Even Distribution - Balance
When discussing her methods, the artist reveals that all shapes begin with a fundamental form, from which structure is built through assembly. The blending of paper pulp with clay, the sprinkling of mineral colorants, and the filling of gaps with glaze—all of these seem like basic processes for producing a ceramic piece. Yet, through these balanced combinations, we can see that, aside from the artist's active engagement, another part of the creation occurs in the states of "collapse" and "melting," where subtle forms emerge.
▎The Artist's Intent? The Uncontrollable Appearance?
One fundamental issue in ceramic creation lies in the fact that, after the firing process at high temperatures, how much of the final result can be controlled by the artist, and how much remains uncontrollable. This has always been a subject worth investigating. The artist revisits each stage in layers, making further adjustments, as different actions gradually begin to alter the outcome.