羅漢-劉建廣個展 | Arahant: Liu Chien Kuang Solo Exhibition

羅漢-劉建廣個展  | Arahant: Liu Chien Kuang Solo Exhibition


Arahant: Liu Chien Kuang Solo Exhibition



▎酒會發表:07/27(六)18:00 先緩 Slow Down

▎公休:每週三四(Closed on Wed & Thu) 

▎地點: 台南市中西區民權路二段64巷56號3F

▎藝術家:劉建廣 Liu Chien Kuang



▎特別感謝:字體設計:岩無Yanwu 、攝影:Alexander.Beveridge






從2021年開始我開始用玻璃材質模仿寶石。他山之石,可以攻玉。摘自《詩經》——我有機會在斯德哥爾摩的Östasiatiska 博物館參觀了來自亞洲的玻璃收藏。在收藏中,我發現了一些具有獨特圖案和顏色的玻璃製品,看起來像寶石。研究人員向我解釋說,長期以來,玻璃一直是模仿玉石或其他稀有寶石品質的良好材料。玻璃一直是學習事物的好材料,我專注於用綠色玻璃來再現“最稀有的玉石”,還為每塊玉石設計了一個3D列印的獨特“木架”。當我製作琉璃玉時,我嘗試了很多我多年來收集的不同種類的綠色琉璃,其中一些甚至可能是在我出生之前就已經生產出來的。我還在綠色的頂部疊加了不同深淺的顏色,以創造石頭的深度。昂貴石頭的台座通常由稀有的深色木材製成,我選擇透過建模並 3D 列印台座出來來使其獨一無二。我認為玩弄材料之間的對比並用我對複製和真實性的思考和理解來觸發材料的狀態會很有趣。玻璃是我在這個複雜的世界中學習事物的好材料。




Arahant〉is a record of exactly ten years since I left Taiwan in 2014. When I have been wandering in a different place for a long time and am not familiar with the language and cultural background, glass is the medium for my creation and the tool I use to communicate and tell stories. I use creation to mark the change in my attitude toward nature, society, and materials. It is a transition from unfamiliarity to familiarity. However, the land that I thought we should be familiar with has undergone a qualitative change in the same span of time. I am a wanderer in different places.

I love visiting the glass collections in museums and reading the stories behind the glass fragments. I try to understand why the object was designed, how it was made, who made the objects, and why these glass objects end up in museums. I am lucky to live in Sweden because there is a strong glass culture here and almost every museum has a glass collection waiting for me to explore.


Starting in 2021, I began to use glass materials to imitate gemstones. "the stone of the other mountain can polish jade".From Shijing (Book of Odin). – I had the opportunity to view a collection of glass from Asia at the Östasiatiska Museum in Stockholm. In the collection I found some glass pieces with unique patterns and colors that looked like gemstones. The researchers explained to me that glass has long been a good material for imitating the qualities of jade or other rare gemstones. Glass has always been a good material for learning things. I focused on using green glass to reproduce the "rarest jade" and also designed a unique 3D printed "wooden frame" for each piece of jade. When I made glazed jade, I tried many different kinds of green glazed jade that I had collected over the years, some of which may have been produced before I was even born. I also layered different shades of color on top of the green to create depth in the stone. The pedestals of expensive stone are often made from rare dark woods, I chose to make it unique by modeling and 3D printing the pedestal. I thought it would be interesting to play with contrasts between materials and trigger the status of the materials with my thoughts and understanding of reproduction and authenticity. Glass is a good material for me to learn things in this complex world.


I have memories of jade since I was a child. My mother always made me wear a necklace or a bracelet with a small jade stone inside. Jade has always been engraved with some animal patterns, especially dragons. I guess it's because I was born in the year of the dragon. As a four-year-old, it was difficult for me to understand when my mother told me to be careful when playing in the park, so every jade stone would break into pieces in my hands. When I grew up, I discovered that the reason my mother wanted me to wear jade was because she thought jade was a "lucky stone." When it breaks, the danger is gone. To me, jade reminds me of the unobtrusive side of family, but also of a fun childhood and the feeling of being loved.

Normal Object Factory x Slow down 【BÄR發表會】


Normal Object Factory x Slow down 【BÄR發表會】

▎地點:台南市中西區忠孝街116巷2號,先緩 Slow Down


▎主辦單位:土星工作室 Tu Xing Studio

▎參與單位:Normal Object Factory、先緩 Slow Down

▎cocktail party:07/27(六)18:00-20:00

▎venueNo. 2, Ln. 116, Zhongxiao St., West Central Dist., Tainan City

▎先緩 Slow Down:https://www.instagram.com/slow.down.tw/

瑞典與台南在這夏季被串聯起來~土星工作室很榮幸介紹來自瑞典品牌Normal Object Factory,帶來全新設計玻璃酒器-BÄR,並與台南先緩酒吧聯名推出全新調酒創作!







〖酒器介紹-Normal Object Factory〗



Bär 在瑞典語中是莓果的意思,是一款透明的高腳玻璃杯,靈感源自北歐森林的莓果。在瑞典斯德哥爾摩群島人工吹製和手工製作。

〖調酒介紹-Slow Down 先緩〗




改編經典調酒Ramos Gin Fizz




由陶藝家 Alexandra Nilasdotter(出生於 1991 年,瑞典)和玻璃藝術家 Chien-Kuang Liu(出生於 1988 年,台灣)經營的設計和工藝品二人組,兩人均擁有丹麥皇家美術學院陶瓷和玻璃學士學位和 Chien-Kuang 擁有瑞典Konstfack 大學藝術、工藝和設計學院CRAFT 碩士學位。他們在瑞典斯德哥 爾摩郊外Gustavsberg的舊瓷器工廠的工作室工作。


從瑞典和台灣的設計歷史、傳統工藝以及兩種文化的交匯中汲取靈感,NOF 致力於尋找手工製作和工業化之間的平衡。 Normal Object Factory 使用不同的材料,例如玻璃、陶瓷和木材。


NOF 進行小規模生產,所有產品均在斯德哥爾摩Gustavsberg的工作室中手工製作。他們的產品銷往世界各地,並與展覽、畫廊合作,並與其他創作者一起參與各種創作。 

【Slow Down 先緩】

於 2022 年成立酒吧品牌「Slow Down 先緩」,以「慢慢來、隨意、輕鬆自在」的概念為基礎,幫助來店的用戶在過程中能夠透過調酒、空間、人的三 者關係,讓自身得以減緩壓力並獲得休息的所在。

Slow Down 先緩更像是自由式生活,不追求刻意,一切跟隨緣份及自身步調去前進,也期望我們的用戶來店時能夠感受到這份理念,在這繁忙的社會中好好地感受適合自己的生活步調並取得內心的平衡。

在建立品牌前,主理人小下在離開原先的工作崗位後休息了一段時間,在休息的中間陸續有越來越多的品牌尋求合作,而就隨著緣分的推進,慢慢地從 活動合作、駐店進而將品牌建立起來,這過程花了一年多的時間。這段過程對我們來說,初衷也如同我們的品牌概念,一切自然,隨著時間的推進,會將你導向更適合自身的人生狀態。

【Tu Xing Studio 土星工作室】

2014 年創立品牌,2019 年 6 月於台南開辦土星工作室,並以新的樣貌及更多計畫性的合作促成藝術家協作計畫、陶作課程推廣、 技術性合作開發、工作坊。


Liu Chien Kuang

Born1988, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Website: http://www.kuangstudio.com/


+46 73 515 0515

[email protected]


2017— 2019 MA CRAFT! - Konstfack University of Art, Crafts and Design, Sweden

2014-2017 BA Design - Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Bornholm design school, Denmark

2007-2011 National Taiwan University of Education, Art and Design, Taiwan

Working Experience

2022 Teaching assistant, Pilchuck glass school, Washington, USA

2020- Start a studio space in G-studio, Gustavsberg, Sweden

2020 Join Stockholm glas working team, Gustavsberg, Sweden

2017 Co-Founder / Owner of "Normal Object Factory", Design and Craftsmanship Studio, Swe-


2017 Teaching assistant with Baltic Sea Glass, Jinan, China

2016 Baltic Sea Glass, Bornholm, Denmark

2016 Internship with Vidar Koksvik and Kari Håkonsen, Oslo, Norway

2016 Internship with Ned Cantrell and Karen Nyholm, Ebeltoft, Denmark

2015 Internship - worked with Peter Ivy, Toyama, Japan

2012 - 2014 Kun!s crystal, Taiwan

2010 Internship in Fresco glass studio, Tsujino Takeshi, Osaka, Japan


2021 “North Norwegian Art Centre AIR program” Svolvær, Norway


2024 “Gränsland” , Ängelsberg, Sweden

2024 C/o Burling: Chien-Kuang Liu ”oversea” och Birgitta Burling ”Alla måste söderut”

2024 "Vårsalong", Liljevalchs, Stockholm, Sweden

2023 “c/o Burling”, Gotland, Sweden

2023 XXV- Interlude, Group show, Spazio Nobile & Studiolo Gallery. Brussels, Belgium.

2022 ” Stone from other mountain- pass, present, future”, Form/Design center, Malmö, Sweden

2022 “Tyst kunskap: den skapande handen”, Rejmyre art lab, Rejmyre, Sweden

2021 ” Stone from other mountain SAK Edition 2021”, Riche, Stockholm, Sweden

2021 “Glass Tilstander”, North Norwegian Art Centre, Svolvær, Norway

2021 “工藝協奏曲 Craft Concerto” Tainan Art Museum, Tainan, Taiwan

2020 “DET FRÄMMANDE OCH DET IGENKÄNNBARA”, Galleri Glas, Stockholm, Sweden

2019 “SPACE OF HYPER MATTER”, The Glass Factory, Boda, Sweden

2019 “Konstfack degree exhibition”, Konstfack, Stockholm, Sweden

2019 "Vårsalong", Liljevalchs, Stockholm, Sweden

2018 "All Walls Endless Waves”, Konstfack, Stockholm, Sweden

2017 "Elements”, Bachelor Exhibition, Bornholms Kunstmuseum, Denmark

2017 "The Autonomous Art Object Exhibition”, Library of Architecture, Design & Performing Arts,

Copenhagen, Denmark

2016 "Pure Silica- Joint exhibition of Taiwan and Hong Kong glass art“ Hong Kong

2016 "Mästarna bakom glaset 2016“ Brösarp, Sweden

2016 "HsinChu International glass festival“ HsinChu, Taiwan

2016 "GLAS“ Galleri Rasch, Rønne, Danmark

2015 "2015 International Student Online Exhibition“ Glass Art Society

2015 "Mästarna bakom glaset“ Brösarp, Sweden

2015 "FORÅRSUDSTILLINGEN” Svanekegaarden, Danmark

2015 "Recoding zoo” Lee gallery(solo), Taipei, Taiwan

2014 "Scoop it” MANO Contemporary Jewelry & Object, Taipei, Taiwan

2013 "Young art Taipei” Lee gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

2013 "Young art Taipei” Lee gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

2010 "What happen?!” Taipei, Taiwan


2024 ”Artist working scholarship”, Konstnärsnämnden, Sweden

2023 ”Artist working scholarship”, Konstnärsnämnden, Sweden

2021 ”Artist working scholarship”, Konstnärsnämnden, Sweden

2019. "frimurare stipendium” Sweden

2018. "Studio scholarship”, summer course in Corning Museum of Glass, USA

2017. "Full scholarship master of art” CRAFT!, Konstfack, Sweden


2018 Stockholm Furniture Fair "Green House”, Normal Object Factory Stockholm, Sweden

2017 TENT LONDON, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design.

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