默宴 Pause
張曜昌 個展
Chang Yao-Chang Solo Exhibition
▎時間:2023/4/15(六)- 5/14(日)
▎地點:應力空間 Soil Space _700 台南市中西區民權路二段64巷56號3F
▎主辦單位:應力空間Soil Space 、土星工作室 Tu Xing Studio
應力空間Soil Space 介紹
他的創作反而質樸且安靜,十年前的「皮毛 Pelage」,透過陶瓷組建,組搭出猶如鱗片、毛髮般的作品,十年前的作品我們聽不到一個很重要的部分,那就是「聲音」,陶瓷與手接觸所產生的音景、如此的舒服且清脆乾淨,那是極其特殊的狀態。昌子常說每當他抱起作品時,常常會被刺傷,當然因為它是陶瓷這樣的媒材,這樣的「矛盾」樣態是這樣的視覺及材質得以展現,猶如敘述著曜昌這十年來的狀態。
2023 「默宴」 作品顏色變得豐富了,關注的對象包含動物皮毛、昆蟲偽裝等透過外在環境隱蔽或加強威嚇性,聚合的方法,透過編織陶瓷變得更加柔順,運用顏色的漸變、交錯等形式,並以時間去換取勞動,即便一個20平方公分的組合需要數小時的投入,足以擴增。
"Whether we can choose to go along or go against the flow if we exist in a different environment is a reflection of what we see or don't see in this generation.
This is one of the sentences in the abstract of Chang Yao-Chang's essay ten years ago, when he was still a graduate student and a creator.
Through these years of experience, through the descriptions of his ceramic creation friends around him, we can know that Chang-Zi (Chang Yao-chan) is the primary person who is willing to help artists to solve their problems.
His solid technical flow, selfless sharing of methods, and learning various skills to enrich himself, he has been preparing for a future possibility, from which he can enrich himself and find ways to solve each problem.
His creations are simple and quiet. Ten years ago, he created " Pelage" by assembling ceramics to create works like scales and hairs. He often says that when he picks up his work, he often gets stabbed, of course, because it is a ceramic medium, and this "contradictory" state is the visual and material expression, as if describing Yao Chang's state of affairs over the past ten years.
"The color on its body is to make it survive".
2023 "默宴" has become richer in color, focusing on objects such as animal fur, insect camouflage, etc. that are concealed or intimidated by the external environment, and the method of aggregation has become smoother through woven ceramics, using gradations and interlacing of colors, and exchanging time for labor, even if a 20 square centimeter combination requires several hours of work, it is enough to expand.
What do we see when we live in this generation? Or what do we not see?
The artist continues to create an unanswered question by using this "creative method" as well as "life".
展覽現場 Site
2023 〈蛾-1〉,45cm x 34cm x 7cm,色土、瓷土、黑土、水線

2023 〈樹蛙〉,24cm x 19cm x 7cm,色土、黑土、水線

2023 〈動物色彩〉,76cm x 68cm x 10.5cm,黃陶、瓷土、黑土、混土、水線
張曜昌 Chang Yao-Chang
2006 畢業於國立台灣藝術大學 工藝設計系 陶瓷組
2013 畢業於國立台南藝術大學 應用藝術研究所 陶瓷組
2021 鶯歌富貴桃園【形色】雙個展
2018 臺灣當代陶藝探索-展覽
2017 富貴陶園花器聯展
2017 臺藝60週年設計學院工藝系校友展
2013 東亞四國交流展
2012 嘉義「大。器」大崎六六當代陶瓷展
2010 密蘇里Springfiled Pottery個展
2010 美國密蘇里Springfiled州立大學駐校藝術家
2010 亞洲新秀陶瓷雙聯展
2010 屏東大崎66陶瓷聯展
2010 韓國新世代交感展
2009 吳鳳技術學院金工陶瓷聯展
2021 台灣雕塑新藝獎入選
2020 臺灣國際陶藝雙年展 評審推薦獎
2020 屏東美展首獎
2019 苗栗陶藝競賽 創作組首獎
2019 臺灣陶藝獎 入選
2013 第一屆新北市陶藝獎 入選
2012 韓國陶瓷雙聯展 入選
2011 臺中市第16屆大墩美展 雕塑類優選
2006 國立台灣藝術大學工藝設計系畢業展陶瓷組優選
2005 第二屆陶藝雜誌『新陶獎』入選
2005 國立台灣藝術大學工藝設計系系展生活實用組優選
2005 傳藝中心『柴窯構築研究及燒成技藝傳習計畫』結業證書
2004 國立台灣藝術大學工藝設計系系展造形藝術組優選
2003 林葆家陶藝獎入選